Xenarc 700 TSV VGA w/ USB Touch

NOTE the horrible video quality of that below image (Display v1)
That image is running at 640x480 resolution and looks horrible (the camera is not [too far] out of focus)
Plus, what's up with that 1/2" margin of unused screen around the image?!?!
The images above show Display v2 running at 800x600 resolution.
The smaller fonts (due to the increased resolution) are more readable and from farther away.

How to install:

Tools needed:

  • Utility knife
  • Scoring blade
  • Coping saw
  • Sanding Block
  • Sand Paper
  • Screwdrivers
  • Pencil
  1. [...Remove the center dash and remove the display housing from the center dash...]

  2. Cut out the display housing as indicated above using a utility knife with a scoring blade

  3. Sand the cut display housing to a smooth fine line

  4. Measure the width of the new display housing (aka: the needed width of the screen)

  5. Disassemble the Xenarc screen and remove all electronics from the casing
    DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! You are obviously voiding the warrantee.

  6. Measure and mark the center of the Xenarc display area.
    NOTE that it is offset slightly from the center (the right side is wide than the left).

  7. Using the screen's center mark as a guide, measure and mark the width needed to fit the dash.

  8. Evenly and smoothly saw 1mm to 2mm to the OUTSIDE of the marked lines

  9. Attempt to fit the sawed case in to the dash

  10. [Mentally] Note how much clearance it needs

  11. Sand down the display edges until it will fit perfectly in the dash.
    You may have to repeat the measuring and sanding process several times. 

  12. [...Prepare the mounting block/bracket that the Xenarc will mount to...]

  13. Reassemble the Xenarc screen

  14. [...Mount the Xenarc to  the mounting block...]

  15. Install the Xenarc/Mount in the dash

  16. Reassemble the display housing and dash